Saturday, 10 May 2014

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A Guideline by us

This is the most important guideline. If you are anxious or fearful coming into anything, the whole experience is already stunted from the very beginning. You should have a respectful relationship with organic chemistry because it will take a lot of your time, but being scared of it is just a waste of energy. You are just as intelligent and able as anyone else. Know that and believe that. Ever heard the saying "Dogs can smell fear"? Well so can organic compounds! Seriously, organic chemistry is challenging, but it is also fascinating and directly related to every second of your existence. A lot of things in your life will be challenging, but you must approach it with a clear view of the purpose and the work required. The primary purpose should be to learn organic chemistry, and the secondary purpose should be to PASS or get and A. However, if you really focus on learning organic chemistry you will pass; therefore, there is only one purpose: to learn organic chemistry. Practice makes Perfect Oh this is such a valuable tip! Practice, Practice, Practice...this is the ONLY way you will be successful in organic chemistry. Get an organic chemistry workbook and consider it your best friend. Do as many practice problems as you can until you dream about them. When the test comes, it will be a piece of cake!

NUST Syllabus


Preparing for the English Portion:

Most of the senior students advised to focus on vocabulary. The English portion of the test which was held in July 2011 was easy. But in the second test (retest) that was held in august 2011, it was really hard. In 2012, different tests were conducted on different days so in some of the tests the vocab was hard while in some it was easy. The words included in the tests seem to be from two sources:
1) Mr. Chips
2) SAT English
Since you guys are preparing for your FSc exams so try to learn the vocabulary of Mr. chips. Secondly you must have the rules of grammar on your finger tips.

Preparing for Physics Portion:

In order to perform well in physics portion you must be good at concepts plus you must have a good practice of solving the numerical problems. Most of the mcqs in physics portion are numerical type, a few are the book lines. According to the students who took the test last year, numericals from the last chapters of book 1 and book 2(Punjab board) were more than the others. First of all you must know whats written inside your text books. Prepare a formula sheet of all the formulae given in the books and go through them again and again. Practice the numerical based questions from different books. Before searching for the solution in key books try to solve the question on your own.

Preparing for Chemistry Portion:

According to your seniors, chemistry portions is added in order to check your cramming skills.
Means in order to score good marks in chemistry you need to learn the text books by heart. The more you learn, the more you score. And again for the numerical portion you must be knowing all the formulas. Learn the organic portion well.

Preparing for Math Portion:

In portion of Maths almost all the questions are related to the book. Most of the questions are from the text books just with a slight change in values. The rest are also from the text books but those are asked in such a way that students get confused. A few such questions were in the test of 2012 which I posted. So in order to solve these type of questions you must be knowing all the underlying concepts. Do read the book lines, some questions are also taken out from those lines. Learn the properties of logarithms, learn the theorems in maths of class 9th and 10th and in FSc, you must be knowing when and where to apply a certain formula. The integration and differentiation part must be well prepared. The chapter 4th of book 2 related to lines and their equations sometimes brings the most tricky questions.

Preparing for Biology Portion:

Out of 200, 80 questions are from bio. Most of the questions are the book lines. So if you learn your book lines along with all tables and other such information then you would be able to solve most of the questions in biology portion. A few of the question are difficult and according to the students those are from SAT books. So if you are done with your FSc syllabus you can go through the SAT books also.

Districbution of Mcqs for pre engineering:
80 math
60 phys
30 chm
20 Eng
10 intelligence

Distribution of Mcqs for pre medical:
80 bio
60 chm
30 phys
20 Eng
10 intelligence

How to solve coding and decoding aptitude questions..

Code is related to secret language, system of sign, secret writing etc. Codes are used to communicate secretly. But in competitive examination question related to coding and decoding are asked just to test the logical ability of the candidate.

Types of coding:

There are no specific types of coding, But in competitive examination question related to the coding and decoding are can be categorised as

Letter coding

Letter and number coding

Mix coding.

Letter coding

IN letter coding codes are written in alphabet in logical way. In competitive exam questions you will ask to code or decode the word or statement given.

Question on coding and decoding.

1. Example

If BASE is coded as CBTF. How will you code the word ACID?


This is the simple question. Here the word BASE is coded is CBTF. And we asked to code for ACID. For solving this question we have to identify the relation between letters of BASE and CBTF.

 For more

solve coding and decoding aptitude questions 2

Here Example No1
If MOBILE is coded as OQDKNG. How will you code TABLET.


This question is similar to the previous one. Only the difference is that the alphabet is to two letters ahead.

M —–(N)——> O

O —–(P)——> Q

B —–(C)——> D

I —–(J)——> K

L —–(M)——> N

E —–(F)——> G

In the same way we have to code for TABLET

T —–(U)——> V

A —–(B)——> C

B —–(C)——> D

L —–(M)——> N

E —–(F)——> G

T —–(U)——> V

Thus TABLET should be coded as VCDNGV.

example 2
n certain code BRAIN is coded as CQBHO. How will you code TALENT?

Here the the question does not look simple. But when you write the letters in sequence it becomes simple one.

B —–>C

R<—– Q




Here letters are shifted alternately one step forward and backward. Therefor in same code we can write code for talent as

T —–>U

A<—– Z





Thus we can code TALENT as UZMDOS

example no 3
If POOR is coded as ONNQ. How will you code RICH?

This question becomes simple to solve when you write the word and its code vertically in front of each other?

P <—–O

O<—– N



We can easily decode the sequencing of alphabate in above code. Here each letter is shifted backward by one letter. Therefor in similar way we can write the code for RICH as follows

R <—–Q

I <—– H

C <——B


Thus the code for RICH is QHBG.

How to solve MCAT MCQs

1.. Read the multiple choice question carefully and think of an answer before you see your choices. Read the choices to see if your answer is there. If so, it is probably right. Read the other answers quickly to be certain.
2.. If your answer is not one of the choices, then read all the choices carefully and start to eliminate choices.
3.. Cross out any answers that are obviously wrong.
4... When you narrow your choices to two, try each answer with the question to see if they both make sense. Sometimes you'll find a hidden clue, like a subject/verb agreement that gives it away.
5.. If you are confused by "all of the above" and "none of the above" questions and they tend to take up too much time, leave all of those blank and go back to them. These questions have an element of logic to them, and some people take longer than others to work out logic problems. If you find that they require a little extra concentration, you may need to treat them as a separate section.
6.. If you are stumped about a word, dissect it for clues. Think about the meanings of the prefix or suffix. Compare it to other words that start with the same letters. For example, the prefix "epi" is found in the word epidermis, which refers to the top layer of the skin. What can you discern, then, about a plant called an "epiphyte?" Would it have roots that stretch deep into the dirt or would it grow on the surface of something?
7... Don’t second-guess yourself. If you make an educated guess the first time around, don’t go back and start changing your answers around.
8.. Keep an eye on the clock to give yourself time to re-visit the questions you left blank.
9... If all else fails, choose B or C! A few studies show that those answers are correct at a slightly higher rate than A or D.

How to Prepare yourself for MCAT

Here are the tips for the preparation of MCAT. Students should not be confused. here are tips for preparation of physics, chemistry and biology.
1. Physics
Dear students, the MCQs of physics in the paper are both easy and difficult. There are a total of 44 MCQs. Out of them, about 36 mcqs are quite easy and can be said as book lines. However, remaining 8 mcqs are not as such from the book. These mcqs are always world known and conceptual, not too difficult but quite interesting. In order not to lose 50 marks, which literally DECIDE YOUR MERIT, you have to be keen about those 8 mcqs as well.These mcqs involve diagrams and calculations etc, but are not so difficult. But you must have once gone through them before the entrance test. That's it!!
2. Chemistry
There are a total of 58 mcqs in chemistry. According to the updated syllabus, 2012-2013 about 52 mcqs are quite lenient(no diagrams), but remaining may contain diagrams and the most important questions in the form of diagrams come from AMINO ACIDS and MACROMOLECULES. Moreover, you should have FULL GRIP on your organic chemistry. Because 30 questions are from organic chemistry only. A good teacher can help you master the organic chemistry. If you think that first year chemistry is difficult then don't waste all your time on learning it only. There are 18 mcqs from first year and 40 from second year. So, try to keep a balance. That's it!!
3. Biology
There are 88 mcqs in biology paper. Dear students, ALL THESE MCQs are SIMPLE BOOK LINES except a few (3 or 4). So, you have to prepare it necessarily from book. I don't say that simply CRAM the book lines. You should learn all the topics of Biology like a story, yes a scientific story. Don't cram same to same book words but try to learn everything that is written in the book. And you need not learn any key books or notes in order to GET CONCEPTS. I can say, with extreme honesty that all the concepts are easily available in our textbook. So, you must take your textbook as reference. Learn everything from it, because not even a single word in mcat is from outside the range of your book. So, plz be serious about it. That's it....!
4. English
Now comes the embarrassing question of English (embarrassing for most of the students..). Actually the paper consists of 30 mcqs. These mcqs are very very important in deciding your merit. There are roughly 2 categories of questions:

Vocabulary (4 fill in the blanks and 10 synonyms)
Correction (6 Spot the Error and 10 choose the correct sentence)

So, you have to focus on these 2 things and I CLAIM that VOCABULARY is MORE IMPORTANT. Not even a single question in the paper of English is without the use of Vocabulary( given by UHS in syllabus "Essential Word Power"). So, you must have firm grip on these 872 vocabulary words. These are very very difficult words and have been eliminated from the Oxford Dictionary. At least, you must know the meaning of each and every word. This will cause your avoirdupois of English be reduced.
In grammar, you should know only the basic and primal concepts of tenses and PREPOSITION. You must learn all the basics, only basics not detailed concepts of verb, adverb, adjective, etc. These questions are very easy for those who are good at English and have a good base. but the students who need improvement must CONCENTRATE on English Grammar and general rules. These rules are taught by teachers. So, prefer them or simply read books for grammar like Captain and Bright. I personally prefer Captain Key book( only its Grammar portion). Thus the key to at least 25 correct questions in English is THE GRIP ON VOCABULARY. That's it!!!!

by : a medical student..

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

How to improve Memory

Top 10 Memory Improvement Tips
Improve Your Memory With These Great Tips
See More About:
psychology tips
cognitive psychology
Do you find yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out information on important tests? Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help improve your memory. Before your next big exam, be sure to check out some of these tried and tested techniques for improving memory. These strategies have been established within cognitive psychology literature to improve memory, enhance recall and increase retention of information.
1. Focus your attention on the materials you are studying.
Attention is one of the major components of memory. In order for information to move from short-term memory into long-term memory, you need to actively attend to this information. Try to study in a place free of distractions such as television, music and other diversions.

2. Avoid cramming by establishing regular study sessions.
According to Bjork (2001), studying materials over a number of session's gives you the time you need to adequately process the information. Research has shown that students who study regularly remember the material far better than those who do all of their studying in one marathon session.
3. Structure and organize the information you are studying.
Researchers have found that information is organized in memory in related clusters. You can take advantage of this by structuring and organizing the materials you are studying. Try grouping similar concepts and terms together, or make an outline of your notes and textbook readings to help group related concepts.
4. Utilize mnemonic devices to remember information.
Mnemonic devices are a technique often used by students to aid in recall. A mnemonic is simply a way to remember information. For example, you might associate a term you need to remember with a common item that you are very familiar with. The best mnemonics are those that utilize positive imagery, humor or novelty. You might come up with a rhyme, song or joke to help remember a specific segment of information.
5. Elaborate and rehearse the information you are studying.
In order to recall information, you need to encode what you are studying into long-term memory. One of the most effective encoding techniques is known as elaborative rehearsal. An example of this technique would be to read the definition of a key term, study the definition of that term and then read a more detailed description of what that term means. After repeating this process a few times, you'll probably notice that recalling the information is much easier.
6. Relate new information to things you already know.
When you are studying unfamiliar material, take the time to think about how this information relates to things that you already know. By establishing relationships between new ideas and previously existing memories, you can dramatically increase the likelihood of recalling the recently learned information.
7. Visualize concepts to improve memory and recall.
Many people benefit greatly from visualizing the information they study. Pay attention to the photographs, charts and other graphics in your textbooks. If you do not have visual cues to help, try creating your own. Draw charts or figures in the margins of your notes or use highlighters or pens in different colors to group related ideas in your written study materials.
8. Teach new concepts to another person.
Research suggests that reading materials out loud significantly improves memory of the material. Educators and psychologists have also discovered that having students actually teach new concepts to others enhances understanding and recall. You can use this approach in your own studies by teaching new concepts and information to a friend or study partner.
Memory & Brain Powers Paydrsharmasmicroandnanopedia.comBuy Dr. Sharma's E-book, it Pays to EnrichMemory & Brain Powers, $9.99

9. Pay extra attention to difficult information.
Have you ever noticed how it's sometimes easier to remember information at the beginning or end of a chapter? Researchers have found that the order of information can play a role in recall, which is known as the serial position effect. While recalling middle information can be difficult, you can overcome this problem by spending extra time rehearsing this information. Another strategy is to try restructuring what you have learned so it will be easier to remember. When you come across an especially difficult concept, devote some extra time to memorizing the information.
10. Vary your study routine.
Another great way to increase your recall is to occasionally change your study routine. If you are accustomed to studying in one specific location, try moving to a different spot during your next study session. If you study in the evening, try spending a few minutes each morning reviewing the information you studied the previous night. By adding an element of novelty to your study sessions, you can increase the effectiveness of your efforts and significantly improve your long-term recall.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

ECAT MCQs Part 1

  1. Converse of pair production is
    a)compton effect
    b)annihilation of matter
    c)photoelectric effect
    d)none of them
  2. de broglies hypothesis was experimentally verified by
    d)davion and germar
  3. What is the unit of absorbed dose?
  4. The decay of neutron results into the formation of
    c)electron,anti neutrino
  5. The unit of concentration is
    a)mol. ml
    b)mol dm^-3
    c)gm equivalent lit^-1
    d)g. lit^-1
  6. If there are weak intermolecular forces in a liquid, it will be
    a)more volatile
    b)more dense
    c)less volatile
    d)heavy dense
  7. In the definition of conic the constant ratio is called
  8. Which sentence is correct?
    A. How beautiful moon is!
    B. How beautiful the moon is!
    C. How beautiful that moon is!
    D. How beautiful the moon is.
  9. sugar crystals belong to the
  10. weber is a unit of
    a)magnetic flux
    b)magnetic flux density
    c)magnetic induction
    d)none of these 

How to solve Physics problems:

1- Numerical problems of physics are not the same as the problems in the mathematics. So do not try to memorise only the formulas and equations without understanding the concepts of the topic related to the problems.

2- Try to picture that have been said in the numerical problems. So read the problem carefully and don’t try to read like you are running out of time.

3- You must start to solve numerical problems with very easy, formula based, and “very short type” or “short type answer” questions. It will help you to learn the formula and basic concepts used in the problem and it will make you more enthusiastic towards problem-solving and strategy-making person for all physics problems.

4- You should never underestimate the Very Short Answer or Short Answer type questions because these questions are like learning key-board before you start to play piano.

5- For bigger problems try to draw a diagram with what have been given in the question.

6- Write down what you know and what you are trying to find out. In simple problems you may just do it in your mind but for more difficult problems it is very useful wherever you have to find out two, three or more results.

How to deal with Organic Reactions

How to learn the reactions of Organic Chemistry?
When one starts the Organic Chemistry in Second year, the first chapter that is the introduction is usually quiet easy to understand. The concepts are familiar to the one's we started reading about in the Organic Chemistry chapter from matric text book. How ever once the next chapters start, the concepts become too much to comprehend. Yes the physical properties, uses and structures are comprehensible but the chemical reactions are a bit too much.
With each successive chapter, the no of chemical reactions increases and it becomes confusing to remember what reacts with what to give you what. The alkanes, alkenes and alkynes all end up reacting with the same chemicals yet give varying products. here are some tips to make you understand the reactions in a better light:
Keep a pencil and paper with you while studying reactions. The more you right things down, the more they stay with you for ever.
Understand what is going on the reaction. This may seem tiresome but it is better to know where the electrons are going, how the bonds are being made and reformed again. So that if you forget the real equation, you can come up with it on your own using the chemical techniques which actually make the reaction happen.
This is also helpful in the Entry Test examination where the reactions may not be exactly like the ones given in the book. So if you know the mechanism of action, the organic chemistry multiple choice questions would be a piece of cake.
Make it visual. the more you make the reactions elaborate and colorful, the better. This is specially good when you are beginning Organic Chemistry. Once you get a hang of this, you wont be needing too much illustrations.
Also do lots and lots of practice on paper. The more you do that, the more it will stick in your brain. It is kind of like Mathematics in that way. Practice is the key.

How to Study Chemistry

How to Excel in Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry dealing with the study of inorganic compounds, their properties and reactions with other compounds. Students usually find it difficult to excel in this subject because of its theoretical and factual nature. Given below are some tips that will help you to better prepare for this subject.

1..Start creating interest in this subject. It is the best way to learn this(and obviously anything). Stop thinking that you have to read this only because you have to clear some exam or give some presentation. Learning this subject will undoubtedly help you in Organic and Physical Chemistry too as many concepts taught here are used in these fields too.

2..Collect your syllabus and prepare a lesson plan. This is highly important because this is really a vast subject and if you will go to learn everything you will probably get lost in the subject matter. Follow a good and recommended book covering your syllabus thoroughly. You can use Internet for your study too. It will give you numerous resources to search for the material and this way you will be able to gather more information but following a book will keep you concise and organised, a necessity in case you are preparing for an exam and have limited time.

3..Give regular and devoted time to this subject. Best time will be morning time. First of all, try to learn the Periodic Table. It is true that it is really a tedious task but you can skip f block elements in the initial stage. Some learn this by remembering the names of elements groupwise in some "song" form or some learn it by using the symbols of chemicals. It depends on you how you do it.

4..Study the properties of the elements by dividing your study material in groups acoording to the periodic table. Study the properties of individual elements by comparing withother elements in different groups. This will not only increase your interest in this subject but also help you to build a strong foundation for the topic: "Classification and Periodicity of Elements".

5..Learning chemical reactions will really help you. A good way to learn them is to understand the context in which these reactions are written. In books many reactions are written for a same element to illustrate its chemical properties. Once you have grasped the concept you will be able to write most of the reactions yourself. Always balance your reactions.Learning by writing is also a good practice.

6..Metallurgy is another important topic in this subject and needs greater attention as it contains many processes, elements' details and their applications. A mastery over this subject can be achieved if you understand the processes well instead of just cramming them. Try to reproduce the read things in written. Coordination Compounds is a comparatively easier and interesting chapter but requires good problem solving practice. You can refer to You tube or some other good video sites showing the processes and their application. This will help you to develop a firm grip over these topics.

A way to Memorizing Maths and Physics Formulas

Memorizing Math and Physics Formulas

1)..Math and Physics problems are not meant to be studied under stress. Relax your mind. By doing this, you will be able to focus more on your task.
2)..Many people think that once they take a glance at a formula, it is in their mind, but when they wake up the next day, they are shocked to realize that the formula leaked out during the night. This is why it is a good idea to practice solving a problem with the formula without looking it up. You must do this as many times as you can. Repetition leads to Memorization.
3).. Put the raw units of each variable into the formula and see if you can get the units of the answer.
4)..Understand How the Formula is structured. You already have a decent gut feeling about the concept. Make sense of the formula. For instance, a = F / m. F is on the top of the fraction. That makes sense, since if you exert more force on an object, it will speed up more quickly. Mass is on the bottom of the fraction, since more mass means more inertia, making the object more difficult to accelerate. The opposite formula (a = m / F) does not make sense. Using this incorrect formula, a strong force (large number on the bottom of the fraction) would cause a smaller acceleration, which does not make sense.
5).. Find a small book and put down all those formulas. Keep the book at your back pocket and try to review them anytime you feel like you are missing something. This will bring back the memories of what you have learned, making those jaw-breaking formulas stick into your mind forever.

AGA KHAN University Admission Schedule

AGA KHAN University Admission Schedule 2014 !!!!!
Program Offered = MBBS and 2 Year Diploma in Dental Hygiene
Admission Start from 07-04-2014
Last Date of Form Submission = 15-05-2014
Test Date = SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014
Application Processing Fee Rs. 4800/-

ETEA Test Schedule

ETEA Test Schedule for 2014:
ETEA test:
10 Aug for engineering
18 Aug for medical test
Result: Aug

Monday, 5 May 2014

A way to memorize vocabulary.

There are so many ways to memorize vocabulary. I would be sharing the ones I used. 1.Memorize words by making contrast with movies,cartoons,anime etc characters. 2.Give characters name of the vocab. words. 3.Divide words in urdu meanings/sentence like ; Altruistic_ mean har kisi k sath true rehnay wala banda;Unselfish, ?All k sath true? Al Tru. 4.There are many vocab. words which are synonyms of each other.Make list of it.I would try to upload it also. 5.Memorize the word?s synonyms by comparing with the separated parts of the synonym. Get insane,mad;become total idiot for vocabulary otherwise it is difficult to memorize.

GIKI Admission Schedule

GIKI Admission Schedule 2014 !!!!! Online Submission of Admission Form Starts April = 27, 2014 Online Submission of Admission Form Ends = June 20, 2014 Last date for Payment of Processing Fee = June 20, 2014 GIKI Undergraduate Admission Test = July 06, 2014

NUST Entry Test NET Schedule

  • Candidates can appear in entry test more than once with the best score considered for the admission. However, in any one series only one attempt is allowed for a particular discipline.
  • NET is conducted at three locations, that is Islamabad (NUST Campus), Karachi and Quetta.
  • At Islamabad the Test is conducted in computer-based format. In Karachi and Quetta it is in paper-based format conducted in June only.
  • The computer based test at Islamabad is conducted in three series according to the following schedule:
    1st Series (NET-1) 20 December 2014 onwards
    2nd Series (NET-2) March-April 2015
    3rd Series (NET-3) June - July 2015

Registration of #NUST NET-1 for UG #Admissions Fall 2015 session will start from 17 Nov 2014.