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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Secrets of Success

An Article written by our member(mechanical engineering)
Secrets of Success
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein.
We(humans) are slaves of time and space, we can’t go either future or past.Success will mean different things to different people. In modern times, traditional ideas of success means getting impressive job titles, high salaries, fame etc. There have been numerous studies that have shown people who set goals are more likely to succeedthan people who do not. By setting goals, you focus your attention on a target which, in turn, focuses your mind on finding ways to get there. Some psychologists think, people with high I.Q are most successful. But there have been many cases seen that people with high I.Q committed suicide. “ E.Q is more important than I.Q” Prof Goal Man.
First of all I want to tell you, according to my opinion, what is real success, then I will tell you about the human mind powers, lead human towards success, which i have been observed as well as experienced in my short life. The real success is that you must be succeed in at least 7 aspects of life.
1. Health
2. Education
3. Financial
4. Social Interaction
5. Family relations
6. Tourism
7. Spirituality
Now lets elaborate them by talking about their secrets, as we know, there are thousands of thoughts we think in a day. The amazing fact is that these all thoughts are useless, example: I should eat rice, train station, crowd of people etc. Most of the thoughts are repeated. We don’t think something new. It means that we don’t have control on our mind. To get control on mind first of all we should control on our emotions, to get control on emotions, first of all we should understand emotions i.e Anger, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, etc.Lets talk about Anger and take a test whether we have control on our emotions or not? suppose you are having a walk in a pleasantmood, suddenly someone came in front of you and abuse you without any reason now what will be your reaction? If your pleasant mood changes to unpleasant then suppose that your mind is being controlled by someone else. It means you can’t be successful in your life.
To get real success in life we should make at least 10 goal settings in each of the above mentioned aspects of life, for example for health we should have a plan for our health, either what is good or bad for my health. What we have to eat, how much we have to eat and how much time we have to spend on eating etc. we can make these goals but first we have to put away some barriers which obstruct. Here i m gonna discuss few barriers.
1. Loving to disloyal person, which is the biggest barrier. Nature loves beauty but real beauty, we always use to love temporary beauty, for example if you love a woman which is beautiful to you but she looks like beautiful to anyone else and even after her death her beauty will be vanished within 3 days. Lets take another example, suppose if you bought a beautiful clothes from market which you like, after one year their beauty wont remain same as before so these are the examples of temporary beauty. Real beauty is only for God. He only deserves for it.
2. The second thing is to control your emotions yourself, don’t let others to control your mind, your emotions as we have seen elaborately in the above example.
3. Setting your financial goals puts you in charge of your money and your life. Your goals can be short or long term, small or large, but they all need to be achievable. The first step to getting sorted is to work out where you want to be financially and what your priorities are. Be specific, realistic, and write down your goals. Keep each goal simple and give it a time frame and a dollar amount.Set some big goals - like buying a home in the next five years or saving for your retirement (this could be your biggest goal of all).Set some smaller goals to help you get there – like saving for a deposit or paying off your credit cards.
4. For education goal settings you should have a study plan what, which and when you have to study the concerned course. you should have a list of your education goals then you should think about it daily how can you complete them.Secrets of Goal Setting.
1 Write clear and measurable goals.
2 Create a specific action plan for each goal.
3 Read your goals daily and visualize yourself accomplishing them.
4 Reflect on your progress to see if you are on target.
5 Revise your action plans if needed.
6 Celebrate your accomplishments.
Each step in the process is important, and if you follow the process, you'll increase your chances of success dramatically. Thousands of people have used similar methods to achieve their dreams, and your students can learn to do the same.I hope you would like my article.
Thank you.
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