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Saturday, 10 May 2014

How to solve coding and decoding aptitude questions..

Code is related to secret language, system of sign, secret writing etc. Codes are used to communicate secretly. But in competitive examination question related to coding and decoding are asked just to test the logical ability of the candidate.

Types of coding:

There are no specific types of coding, But in competitive examination question related to the coding and decoding are can be categorised as

Letter coding

Letter and number coding

Mix coding.

Letter coding

IN letter coding codes are written in alphabet in logical way. In competitive exam questions you will ask to code or decode the word or statement given.

Question on coding and decoding.

1. Example

If BASE is coded as CBTF. How will you code the word ACID?


This is the simple question. Here the word BASE is coded is CBTF. And we asked to code for ACID. For solving this question we have to identify the relation between letters of BASE and CBTF.

 For more

solve coding and decoding aptitude questions 2

Here Example No1
If MOBILE is coded as OQDKNG. How will you code TABLET.


This question is similar to the previous one. Only the difference is that the alphabet is to two letters ahead.

M —–(N)——> O

O —–(P)——> Q

B —–(C)——> D

I —–(J)——> K

L —–(M)——> N

E —–(F)——> G

In the same way we have to code for TABLET

T —–(U)——> V

A —–(B)——> C

B —–(C)——> D

L —–(M)——> N

E —–(F)——> G

T —–(U)——> V

Thus TABLET should be coded as VCDNGV.

example 2
n certain code BRAIN is coded as CQBHO. How will you code TALENT?

Here the the question does not look simple. But when you write the letters in sequence it becomes simple one.

B —–>C

R<—– Q




Here letters are shifted alternately one step forward and backward. Therefor in same code we can write code for talent as

T —–>U

A<—– Z





Thus we can code TALENT as UZMDOS

example no 3
If POOR is coded as ONNQ. How will you code RICH?

This question becomes simple to solve when you write the word and its code vertically in front of each other?

P <—–O

O<—– N



We can easily decode the sequencing of alphabate in above code. Here each letter is shifted backward by one letter. Therefor in similar way we can write the code for RICH as follows

R <—–Q

I <—– H

C <——B


Thus the code for RICH is QHBG.