Saturday 10 May 2014

A Guideline by us

This is the most important guideline. If you are anxious or fearful coming into anything, the whole experience is already stunted from the very beginning. You should have a respectful relationship with organic chemistry because it will take a lot of your time, but being scared of it is just a waste of energy. You are just as intelligent and able as anyone else. Know that and believe that. Ever heard the saying "Dogs can smell fear"? Well so can organic compounds! Seriously, organic chemistry is challenging, but it is also fascinating and directly related to every second of your existence. A lot of things in your life will be challenging, but you must approach it with a clear view of the purpose and the work required. The primary purpose should be to learn organic chemistry, and the secondary purpose should be to PASS or get and A. However, if you really focus on learning organic chemistry you will pass; therefore, there is only one purpose: to learn organic chemistry. Practice makes Perfect Oh this is such a valuable tip! Practice, Practice, Practice...this is the ONLY way you will be successful in organic chemistry. Get an organic chemistry workbook and consider it your best friend. Do as many practice problems as you can until you dream about them. When the test comes, it will be a piece of cake!


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